Math How to Draw Five Planes

Plane Shapes

A shape tin can be defined as the boundary or outline of an object.  A plane shape is a 2-dimensional closed figure that has no thickness. A aeroplane in geometry is a flat surface that extends into infinity in all directions. Information technology has infinite width and length, zero thickness, and zero curvature. Information technology is really hard to imagine a plane in real life, there is nil that we can use as a real case of a geometric aeroplane. We tin can see an example of a plane in coordinate geometry where the position of any given point on a plane is divers with the help of an ordered pair of numbers, or coordinates. Coordinates show the correct location of points in the plane. Let the states learn about plane shapes in detail.

1. What are Open up and Closed Shapes?
2. Sides and Corners of Shapes
3. What are the Different 2nd Shapes?
4. What are Polygons?
five. Solved Examples on Airplane Shapes
6. Practise Questions on Airplane Shapes
seven. FAQs on Plane Shapes

What are Open up and Airtight Shapes?

A closed figure can be fabricated of straight or curved lines. It has no opening whereas an open up figure is made of either straight or curved lines. However, it has at least 1 opening. Example of closed and open shapes are shown in the image below.

Open and Closed Plane Shapes

Sides and Corners of Shapes

We have learned what plane shapes are and what they wait like. Aeroplane shapes are two-dimensional, due east.g., squares, triangles, and circles. The straight lines that make upwardly a plane shape are chosen sides. The points where two sides meet are called corners.

Side and Corner of Plane Shapes

What are the Different 2d Shapes?

Observe a sheet of newspaper.You can see how long and how wide it is. These are the 2 dimensions known equally length and width.A two-dimensional shape does not have whatever depth. 2nd shapes are closed shapes that are created past joining straight/curved lines together.
The common 2d shapes are:

Shape Name Number of Sides Number of Corners Property

Shape of a Square


4 iv A foursquare is a quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles.

Shape of a Rectangle


4 4 A rectangle is a quadrilateral with ii pairs of equal and parallel contrary sides and four right angles.

Shape of a Circle


0 0 A circle is formed by the set of points that are at a abiding or fixed altitude (radius) from a stock-still indicate (eye) in the plane.

Shape of a Triangle


3 three A triangle is a closed figure or shape with iii sides, 3 angles, and 3 vertices.

polygons shapes


three and more than three sides iii or more than 3 corners A polygon is a closed two-dimensional figure with three or more straight lines.

oval shape


0 0 Oval has no straight line, or corner, or side to information technology. Information technology is a closed shape made of curved lines.

Let us learn about polygons.

What are Polygons?

In geometry, a polygon is a closed two-dimensional effigy with three or more straight lines. The Greek discussion 'Polygon' consists of Poly pregnant 'many' and gon meaning 'angle.' We encounter many different polygons around united states. For case, Have y'all ever seen a honeycomb? Can yous guess ideally, how many sides a honeycomb could have? A honeycomb is hexagonal in shape. You lot tin very well relate the shape of a half-dozen-sided polygon with a honeycomb.

The types of polygons are categorized into three major forms:

  • Regular or Irregular
  • Concave or Convex
  • Simple or Complex

Look at a few dissimilar types of polygons shown in the beneath paradigm.

Different Types of Polygons

Important Notes

  • Quadrilaterals are four-sided closed figures fabricated of direct lines.
  • Polygons are airtight geometric shapes made of straight lines. They are named after the number of sides they accept.

Related Topics on Plane Shapes

  • Rectangle
  • Circles
  • Triangles
  • Foursquare

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FAQs on Plane Shapes

Is a Circle a Polygon?

A polygon is a closed shape formed by straight lines. A circle is a round shape formed by curved lines. Therefore, a circle is not a polygon.

What is the Difference Between 2nd and 3D Shapes?

A 2D shape has two dimensions whereas a 3D shape has iii dimensions - length, width, and tiptop.

When Depth is Added to a 2D Shape information technology Becomes?

When depth is added to a 2d shape with length and width, it becomes a 3D shape.

How Many Triangles are There in a Pentagon?

The number of triangles is 35 in a pentagon when all diagonals are formed.

What are the Different Plane Shapes?

The basic plane shapes are triangle, foursquare, rectangle, oval, circle, and polygons.

What is the Shape of a Protractor?

The protractor is in the shape of a semicircle with markings of angles from 0° to 180 on it. At that place is one more type of protractor with which we can measure complete 360-caste angles. It is known as a 360-caste protractor and is circular in shape.

Is a Sphere Solid or Plane Shape?

A sphere is a solid shape defined in a 3-dimensional space. It has no edges or vertices (corners).


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